Tuesday, May 20, 2008

even more plants

Sunday a few more pepper plants, more tomatoes, and various herbs were added. It's late in the year, but I see that as a fairly small matter. It is what it is.

I moved the already-transplanted peppers to a few locations with more sunlight, some more shaded than others.

I also tried placing one new plant immediately into a well-lit spot without any attempt at easing the plant into its new location. Although this plant is supposed to like "full sun", this is pushing it. If this plant manages to thrive, that should speak well of my chances for the rest. I put some matches in the dirt for this one.

Today's high temperature was around 90° F / 32° C.

When I checked the plants, the new plant thrust into full sunlight was noticeably wilted in comparison with the plants that had been more gradually introduced.

After it cooled down, I watered without fertilizer or additives.

Last year, we just slapped some peppers out there in whatever pots and cans were available in relative shade. Most of them did just fine.

This year I'm going for a buckshot effect of different styles of peppers, locations in the yard, etc. And I'll be keeping notes that I hope will help me learn something from the experience.

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